Welcome to St. James Church
At St. James everything we do, and everyone who uses our building works towards our vision:
St James is looking for a new vicar!
Revs Ali and Steve spent 13 years loving and serving the people of Alperton, They came to St James with their young children and left with two teenagers. The church was blessed beyond measure to have them. The family have left a big gap, both practically and in people’s hearts. The practical gaps can be filled, the gaps in people’s hearts will take longer. They have moved onto new adventures in South Harrow. They leave the church in the safe and capable hands of the Church Wardens, Edna and Paul.
St James remains a multi lingual, multi cultural community based in Alperton in London. Every week we sing each others songs and hear the Bible in lots of different languages. We love to pray for one another. It is so important to us that as you come you feel welcome just as you are. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or just come and visit us on Sunday at 10.30am.
Exploring the book of John
We are exploring the book of John from June till November. If you miss a week don’t worry, all our sermons are on our YouTube page.
We are a church of many people from all over the world. We believe that we see God in all our cultures and that God has no favourites.
Steve Taylor
Joint Vicar
Everything we do flows from our vision
Parishioners About Us
Always there to help the community
Anish Gohil
We at St James want to ensure the well being of every person in our church community and value each person equally. We have a Safeguarding Officer and a Children's Champion who can be contacted in church. We have systems in place to respond to concerns of abuse whether sexual, financial, emotional of any other kind. We subscribe to the Church of England policy on Promoting Safer Church, which you can find here. The Safeguarding Officer and Children's Champion have their photographs in church and can be easily contacted (email safeguarding@stjamesalperton.org.uk). You can also contact the Vicars using the contact details on the Leaders Page of this website, or either the Diocesan Safeguarding Team or childline on 08001111 24 hours a day.